To encourage our readers, Creation Encounter leaders have been writing a series of essays reminiscing on the adventures and blessings of previous years as we look forward to encountering our Creator with you this summer. As things begin to slowly reopen in Washington and Oregon, Creation Encounter now welcomes a contribution by guest author Mercy about one of her own experiences on the trail. Please enjoy and feel free to share your own stories with us!

By Mercy (Guest Author)
It was a rainy, windy, muddy, and, in all other ways, terrible day for an uphill geology hike in the Gorge. Because I am not a huge fan of rain, geology, and hiking uphill, it seemed the day had conspired to spell out total misery for me. Being rather pessimistic and out-of-sorts, my thoughts ran something like this:
“Here I am, exactly where I don’t want to be, on a hike, in the rain, learning everything I already knew about geology. It’s too wet for my camera, and all the flowers are closed anyways. What a waste of time….”
Oh, what a tangled web we groom, when first we practice to assume!
I happened to mention to Mr. Hayley that I was interested in studying the wildflowers of the region. Over the course of multiple Creation Encounter trips, I had heard several jests about Mr. Hayley's love of teaching. I soon found out that it was no joke.
Most of the time, we encourage our downcast fellow humans by telling them to ‘look up.’ In my case, when I took my eyes off the clouds overhead and looked at the trail, I discovered, to my surprise, that there were some flowers open, and Mr. Hayley knew all of them. He taught me about the flowers and other plants as we hiked, and I soon forgot my complaints.
On the way back down the trail, the clouds broke up and the sunshine made the wet flowers shimmer. Several great photos were the result. Hey, look. A rainbow.
Even if you don’t feel like it, it’s not really your thing, or if the day is rainy, windy, muddy, and in all other ways terrible for a hike in the Gorge, talk to people, learn new things, gain a different perspective, get outside, and encounter your Creator!
Photo courtesy of Creation Encounter leaders
Previous essays in this series: