​The Field Guides

John Hergenrather
John graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelors degree in Geography. He is a Young Life leader, Vice President of the Design Science Association, and a veteran tour leader. As part of a creation research team, he has co-authored road guides of National Parks. John lives in Hood River, OR where he and his wife Rhea own and operate a retail garden center. They have two children, Katie and Andrew.

Steve Hayley
Steve is a graduate of Oregon State University with a B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife and Southern Oregon State with an M.S. in Outdoor Education. He taught junior high and high school science and worldview classes at Damascus Christian School for 26 years, retiring in 2009. Besides working with Creation Encounter, Steve does volunteer work for the school where he formerly taught.

Dennis Bokovoy
Dennis began collecting fossils as a youth in Montana. He followed his interest in paleontology earning a MS degree in Geology from Montana State University with additional study in biology. His 28 years as an educator include 13 years as an Adjunct Professor of Geology at Columbia Gorge Community College in The Dalles, OR. Dennis and his wife Yvonne live in Hood River, OR. He has done research in Bolivia, Peru, and Nepal, trekking to a Mt. Everest Base Camp.

Keith Swenson
Dr. Keith Swenson is a retired medical doctor who now teaches courses in biology and geology at Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon. He also served for twenty years as President of Design Science Association and was on the board of the Seven Wonders Museum near Mount St. Helens. Keith especially enjoys leading field trips and has taken thousands to Mount St. Helens, the Columbia Gorge, Northwest forests and the Grand Canyon. He co-leads, with Dr. Steve Austin, periodic trips into the “Little Grand Canyon” at Mount St. Helens. Keith has a B.S. in Zoology from the University of Idaho and an M.D. from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He and his wife, Connie, have four grown children.

MArianne Schecklman
Marianne has been part of the Creation Encounter team since 2012. One of her greatest joys is to share the wonder of Christ’s creation with others. She has a BA in Art from Marylhurst University and shares her artistic gifts researching and illustrating images for our guide books and photographing our field trips and sharing them on social media. She co-hosted Eric Hovind’s Creation Today “Battleship Apologetics” TV Show season 4 and 5 equipping youth with answers for why we believe. Marianne is also involved in the Design Science Association as a board member and program committee member.

Caitlin Labar
Caitlin was born with a fascination of insects, which developed into an interest in studying butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), their habitat and life histories. She has a B.A. in Geography, a M.S. in Environmental Science and currently work as a GIS analyst. Her love of butterflies has now developed into writing and self-publishing books, providing GIS consultation and occasionally lecturing on various butterfly topics, in addition to helping with Creation Encounter field trips.

Tom Dunn
Tom Dunn has a degree in Biology and Math from Central Washington University. He served as a high school teacher in several locations including Mexico, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Oregon until his retirement. He and his family served as missionaries overseas in the Central Pacific for 10 years. He was always committed to teaching his science classes from a Christian Worldview that included a Creationist perspective of a young earth. He taught many years at Damascus Christian School. Since retirement he has served as a Creation Encounter Guide. Tom also serves as a board member for the Design Science Association. He has been married to Debbie for 45 years. They have eight children, six boys and two girls, all home schooled. Two of his sons, James and Arthur, are actively involved in leadership roles in DSA and Creation Encounter.

Arthur Dunn
Beginning from a young age, Arthur was always outside catching insects and as he grew older this turned into collecting beetles and studying them along with various other bugs. He loves creation for what it declares to him of his Creator, and as a field guide for Creation Encounter enjoys sharing these wonders with others. Arthur is also involved with his church’s children’s ministry, works as a software developer in Portland, and lives in Gresham, OR.

Marilee Janzen
From a young age, Marilee has never been scared of bugs. In contrast, she loves all creatures, from mushrooms to centipedes! A natural fit, then, was teaching!!! Marilee loves her job as a health, science, and math teacher at Spring Mountain Christian Academy. Creation science, floral design, and photography are her thing!!! She manages Creation Encounter's Facebook page, so feel free to send her pictures so she can post them. In addition to being involved with Creation Encounter, Marilee co-leads Outdoor Getaways, a hiking group for all who will brave the trail! Her background in nursing inspires her to watch out for all who join each trek! :) Please be a part of our excursions!! Grab your water bottle! Pack your lunch! We're off!

Kalvin Morauske
Kalvin Morauske lives in Southwest Washington with his wife Debbie. He has two married children and four grandchildren. He has always been a Bible student and loves science. After changing career paths three times, he graduated with a physical therapy degree in 1984. In 2011 he persuaded Debbie to include a trip to John Day with Creation Encounter as part of a family vacation. He has become a student of John Hergenrather, Dennis Bokovoy, Brent Carter, and Steve Hayley. That first trip to John Day motivated many other field trips including Cody Wyoming, Dry Falls, Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, and even Peru. His keen interest in science as it supports the Bible has even led to speaking invitations in 2019. Sharing real science that declares the glory of God and testifies to the authenticity of the Bible is Kalvin's motivation.

Edward Isaacs
Nearing a decade of study to his credit, Edward Isaacs is a keen student of the sciences. With a focus on the geological processes of the Genesis Flood and ensuing Ice Age, Isaacs applies this knowledge in his tours with Creation Encounter, understanding that our Creator “has made His wonderful works to be remembered” (Psalms 111:4). A prolific writer, he has published his research in the peer-reviewed Journal of Creation. Further information may be gleaned from his website: CreationGeologyExplorer.com.