Time & Location
Apr 05, 2019, 9:00 AM
Starbucks, 1040 E Marina Dr, Hood River, OR 97031, USA
About the event
This outing led by Steve Hayley is tailored for those especially interested in an introduction to the
abundant spring wildflowers of the East Columbia River Gorge. With a few short hikes, our focus will
be on identification, using Jolley's "Wildflowers of The Columbia Gorge" (1988), and photography, for
those interested. We can expect to examine 30-35 species, if past experience proves true. Also we
will encounter quite a variety of birds.
Meet at Starbucks near the Hood River Bridge at 9:00 am and return by 3:30 pm. The suggested
donation is $25 for families and $15 for individuals and includes a useful wildflower ID key and other
creation information. With day trips, it is not necessary to send us your donation; just bring it the day of
the outing.