Time & Location
Jul 07, 2021, 8:30 AM
Cougar, Cougar, WA 98603, USA
About the event
Dr Keith Swenson, Adjunct Professor of Natural Sciences at Multnomah University, will lead this trip. The highlight will be a 2.5-mile (round trip) hike on the Harmony Trail to Spirit Lake and the floating log mat. In addition, participants will visit an old-growth forest, historic Bear Meadow, Meta Lake, and Windy Ridge. Teaching will be based on a biblical creation worldview. Please note that good physical fitness is required as we will be hiking a total of about three miles, including a 600-foot uphill climb coming out from Spirit Lake. The trip will meet at 8:30 a.m. in the rest area in “downtown” Cougar, WA. From there we will carpool to the mountain. Return time to Cougar will be approximately 5 PM. A forest pass is required at the mountain and may be purchased in Cougar or in the national monument for $5. Additional information will be sent to registrants prior to the trip.
A donation of $25 per family or $15 for an individual is suggested. This can be paid the day of the tour by cash or check (made payable to ‘John Hergenrather.’)