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This tour will explore the unique geology in the Columbia River Gorge. We will examine features related to a remarkable history of cataclysmic Lake Missoula Ice Age Floods which reshaped the Gorge into the stunning beauty we see today. You will see things such as:


  • Columbia Park where huge basalt boulders rest which were torn from the Gorge

  • Troutdale Formation which show the rapid deposition of this layer

  • Latourell Falls in an alcove carved by the Lake Missoula Flood

  • a granodiorite uplift at Wind Mountain;

  • Coyote Wall syncline

  • and of course, mima mounds!


We will be looking at the geology of the Columbia Gorge from a two model (creation and evolution) perspective.

Led by Dr. Keith Swenson, Professor of Natural Sciences, and Rick Thompson, Lake Missoula Floods specialist, this all-day bus trip in the Columbia River Gorge is open to anyone.


Cost is $60.00 per person and includes lunch, but is free for pastors and Christian leaders. This is an opportunity for DSA members to invite leaders who may be uncertain about the importance of the origins debate. This has been a very significant experience for leaders when they see the evidence first hand and realize how it affects our view of scripture. It is exciting when we can help pastors and congregations address this issue in a more informed way and that is why we offer it free for pastors and Christian leaders.

Pastors and Christian Leaders Gorge Bus Tour: June 14th, 2017

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